First thing you need is a tamagoyaki pan. 100 Yen shops will have them readily available. I picked this guy up from Daiso across the street. 100 Yen for a pan is amazingly cheap, but you do kind of get what you pay for.
I did a little research on the recipe and technique and came across these two websites:
I ended up using the justbento recipe and tried to follow the steps from lunchinabox. The problem is that we don't have any measuring utensils at all, so I had to use regular spoons to attempt to measure out teaspoons and tablespoons. A lot of recipes call for dashi or mirin of which I had neither (this is the main reason I used the justbento recipe). So, I made a super simple tamagoyaki with just eggs, water, soy sauce, and sugar. I'll talk about some modifications to the recipe as I go along.
After following the justbento recipe, I ended up with an egg mix that looked like this:
First step is you take a quarter of your mix and start cooking it into a sort of scramble. If you can get it into a box shape, that's perfect. Mine ended up being a little chunky...
A couple of very important tips I learned from this trial:
1. Don't make your layers too thin. If you do, it's difficult to roll and hard to deal with altogether.
2. Grease the pan generously. Sticking is your worst enemy in tamagoyaki. The process is time consuming and you really need to reapply oil between every single layer. Can't be helped.
3. Turn your heat very low. My stove is super strong, and I tried to keep the flame small but it still ended up too hot to handle. Using slightly thicker layers on a low flame will uniformly cook the egg to a yellow.
Tamagoyaki is a really labor intensive process. It's not really that difficult, but you need to watch the pan through every single step. Nnnn, it's kinda difficult... I only used three eggs and it took me a solid fifteen to twenty minutes of cooking time.
I made this as a surprise for V who loves tamagoyaki. If I had the time, I would practice more and make her a perfect one; alas, I hope she likes this one.
Update: She hasn't tried it yet, but we had Ichiran again. I think our ramen tastes have evolved since coming as we find Ichiran fairly light now. Pretty sure V will keep it the same, but I might make mine richer next time.
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